Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Herbal Creams

Herbs feed, regulate and cleanse the body naturally. Herbal creams are hand-made from natural products, including herbs, homeopathics and essential oils, generally in a macadamia nut oil base. Eczema is an increasingly common condition affecting children and adults, and causes itchy rashes, pain and inflammation. Long-term use of steroids in herbal eczema creams can cause permanent damage. Natural" creams for eczema have been found to contain the steroid drugs customers were trying to avoid. Herbal cream for acne can be made at home using natural ingredients or can be bought at a pharmacy. An acne problem can easily be solved in a cost effective way, but if low on funds, make sure to find herbal remedies for acne that are oil free.

A popular recipe will involve bananas and avocados as well as some vitamin E ointment. This is one of the best herbal remedies for acne. All a maker needs to do is put a teaspoon of vitamin E ointment in a blender. Other herbal cream arinca cream. It is mostly useful for bruising, swelling, sprains, aching joints and minor injuries where there is no broken skin. Calendula is particularly helpful in cracked and damaged skin and has a humectant action on the skin, which helps with dry and dehydrated skin. Other use for calendula sore, red, dry, itchy, chapped, cracked, rough skin, cuts, abrasions, boils, rashes, chilblains, sunburn, burns, eczema, insect bites. Comfrey cream use for sprains, strains, bruises, lumps, bumps, inflamed joints and arthritic type aches and pains.

Rosemary goddess herbal cream can be used for its pain relieving qualities, as well as, its softening effects on the skin. Contains rosemary infused oil, beeswax, and filtered water. Witch hazel cream use for heavy aching legs, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, itchy, red, inflamed skin. Marshmallow herbal cream has very beneficial effects on skin problems and diseases and helps in healing wounds, sores, skin ulcers, burns and in soothing irritation. The main benefits of tea tree oil are that it has superb antiseptic, antifungal and broad-spectrum anti-microbial activity on the skin. Olive leaf has cicatrizing properties and is therefore useful in wound healing and is also of use when the skin has been burnt or damaged by excessive exposure to sunlight.


Yarsagumba or Cordyceps is a rare and unique herb that grows in the meadows above 3,500 meters (11,483 feet) in the Himalayan region of Nepal. There are various types of famous medicinal plants found in Nepal but the popularity of yarsagumba is simply overwhelming. For the last couple of years, the trade of yarsagumba is increasing and it has been regarded as an expensive life saving tonic. Headache, toothache or any other disease - yarsagumba is the remedy.

Every year during May and June, thousands of villagers from remote areas risking their own lives head for high mountains to collect yarsagumba. It is estimated that one villager can earn up to Rs. 2,500 approximately to $35 a day by collecting yarsagumba which is beyond the monthly salary of many Nepalese households. Dolpa .See a remote district in western Nepal with high steep valleys and dry climate is one of the foremost areas for collecting yarsagumba. Almost 50% of the annual supply of yarsagumba comes from Dolpa alone. Here, not only the adults but school goers also take unofficial holidays in search of the gold rush.

Collection of yarsagumba was illegal until 2001 but following its popularity and the lobbying from various organizations, the Government lifted the ban but imposed a royalty rate of Rs. 20,000 (US$ 280) per kilogram (2.2lbs). One kilo of yarsagumba that costs about Rs. 315 (US$ 5/6) in 1992 increased to Rs. 105,000 (US$ 1,435) by the year 2002 and the price has been shooting up so as the international interest on the mysterious half-caterpillar-half-mushroom known as yarsagumba.


Arnica belongs to the family of the sunflowers and consists of about 30 different herbaceous species. The Arnica is a genus which is derived from the Latin word ana which means the lamb, this is because of its distinguishing features of the having soft and hairy leaves. The Arnica genus is mostly found in the temperate regions of the western North America and they originate from Eurasia. Arnica is known to be associated with the tribe Senecioneae because of its fine bristles on its surface.

Arnica consists of certain species like the Montana and chamissonis which are known to be helpful in making anti-inflammatory products against the bruises. The Arnica species serve as a source of food for some insect larvae.

Arnica is a well-known plant in the herbal medicine, because of its uses and success in healing the body issues such as the bruises, stiffness, and also the soreness of muscles. It is referred to as the Arnica Montana, which means the mountain plant. It is extensively used for sprains and also as a tincture for the pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory purposes.

Tablets are also made with Arnica which has proved to be very useful in today's time. Arnica is also used widely in the homeopathy; it is available in the form of gel in almost every health store commonly to be applied on the area of requirement thrice a day.

Arnica is distinguished by having deep roots and erect stem with no branches. The consist of leathery type ovoid leaves and have large yellow and orange colored flowers which are 6-8cm wide, which have quite a pleasant scent. It is also contains very small seeds like fruits on its branches.


Alfalfa is known to be a very common perennial flowering plant which is cultivate as one of the very useful forage crop. It is also known as the Purple Medic, Trefoil or the Lucrene commonly.

Alfalfa is now one of he leading legumes in the agriculture of the world, and the largest alfalfa producer is the US itself, with the states of California and South Dakota being the highest producers.

Alfalfa is known to be a very adaptive plant and it can be used to grow in the cold climates of the northern plans and mountains, as well as the Mediterranean and hot desert climates at the same time. The lie of an Alfalfa plant though is much shorter and it can live up to three to twelve yeas depending on the climate availability.

The height of the Agrimony legume is about 1 meter and it is quite often compared for its resemblance with the clover and clusters of small purple flowers. The root system of the Agrimony is as deep as about stretching to the extent of 4.5 meters normally. This is why the plant is very tough and resilient to the droughts specially.

It has a tetraploid genome.

Alfalfa plant has a tetraploid genome, and its plants have the characteristics of being autotoxin which means that they do not survive if grown in the pre-existing fields of Alfalfa. This is why it is always recommended to clear or rotate the field before the reseeding is carried out.

Alfalfa is most commonly used for the dairy purposes which involve the sheep, horses and goats however it is also sometimes used for the human consumption. The sprouts of the Alfalfa are a common ingredient for the salads more widely used in the western countries. Alfalfa are also used as dietary supplements after dehydrating the leaves in several forms like the tablets, powders and even tea.

Agrimony Herb

Agrimony is one of the very popular herbs from the rose family, which is in bloom from the months of June to September. The herb leaves no doubts that it originates from the rose family as its leaves are itself very beautiful. The herb has been used traditionally as one of the very useful medicinal herbs.

The Agrimony herb grows close to the ground and there are also flowers seen growing close to its little branches. The herb is distinguished with its sweet smell like that of the apricots which is surely enjoyable to everyone.

This herb's history also includes its use for the purpose of healing of the wounds and sores of the body. It has also been used for some of the tribes' ritual rites and traditions. There is also a myth associated with this herb that if a man was to put it beneath his head for some time he would be induced to a deep sleep.

As the herbs have always been ahead in the medical sues, Agrimony is believed to have the powers of curing jaundice. It is used after the roots is placed in boiling water for sometime and then the water is prescribed to be taken about half a pint six times in a day.

Agrimony has also been associated with the treatment of the general fever and the outcomes have almost always been successful. Together with the healing of the casual medical problems Agrimony is also used to treat some severe diseases of the blood and the skin as well.

The patient is prescribed to take does of full glasses and the taste is sweetened with the use of honey and sugar over the leaves and roots.

The herb is also used in today's time mostly for the bowel diseases and throat problems. It is also appreciated by many for its virtues till date.

Drying of the herbs

Drying of the herbs is a technique used so as to get most of the freshness and also the taste out of the herbs. There are various methods for the drying of the herbs which can be used to achieve the best results.

Before starting off with the drying of the herbs, you should harvest the herbs in the early morning this is because they haven't yet started expending energy for the day and this makes them in just the perfect condition right before the flowering.

The first step involves the use of knife or scissors so as to cut off the large branches or the stems out of the plant itself. Each branch of the plant in use should be shaken gently so as to do away with any of the insects still lodging in the plant. Any damaged or diseased leaves should be immediately removed.

It is sometimes advised to wash the herbs before the drying process can be carried out so as to get rid of any of the dirt or debris allowing the insects and other harmful materials to live in the plant. However, if this is carried out the plant has to then be completely dried before it is put in contact with other plants for the drying procedure, because wetness can cause messy mold to build up very quickly.

All the branches are now collected into a bunch and then this is stored in a plain paper bag, which should have a few open wholes on the sides required for ventilation. The bag should be big enough so that the leaves do not touch the sides and it should then be hung in a warm and dry room upside down. This takes about a week or two depending entirely upon the moisture levels of the herbs. During this time a constant check on the molds should be given so as to take instant action if it prevails.

After the require time, the dried leaves are carefully removed taking care not to crush them, so as to attain the bets flavor and the stems are then discarded.

Bee Balm

Bee Balm originates from the Eastern North American side and is a perennial herb which grows in dry areas and woodland edges. The Bee Balm consists of beautiful showy flowers which are uniquely lilac in color and are present in large whorls which includes about 20 to 50 flowers at the tope most part of the stem. The leaves are more of a pale green color and are supported by leaflets.

Bee Balm consists of a hard and squared stem which can rise to a height of about 3 feet. Both the stem and the leaves are covered with dense hair layer through out. The roots are known to be shorter and slender.

The growing conditions of the Bee Balm are very easy to handle as it can be grown in any ordinary garden soil. The Bee Balm can grow considerably well in the heavy clay soils and require shady parts in the sunny areas to grow well. The soil should be preferably alkaline in pH and the conditions should be dry.

The chief uses of the Bee Balm are in the eating and medicinal uses. The edible nature of the Bee Balm has made it a much widely used herb. The herb above the ground is edible and it is also used for the flavoring of the cooked foods. The flowers are used as edibles in some of the salads. The herb is distinguished with its aromatic nature which makes it a good source of oil and also a refreshing tea ingredient. The young Bee Balm leaves are also used for some beverages.

Bee Balms are very popular in the medicinal uses, ranging from the antiseptic cure to the simple headaches and gastric problems. However one of the more important uses of the Bee Balms is in the steam inhalation for the cure of certain throats and bronchial inflammations.