Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Agrimony Herb

Agrimony is one of the very popular herbs from the rose family, which is in bloom from the months of June to September. The herb leaves no doubts that it originates from the rose family as its leaves are itself very beautiful. The herb has been used traditionally as one of the very useful medicinal herbs.

The Agrimony herb grows close to the ground and there are also flowers seen growing close to its little branches. The herb is distinguished with its sweet smell like that of the apricots which is surely enjoyable to everyone.

This herb's history also includes its use for the purpose of healing of the wounds and sores of the body. It has also been used for some of the tribes' ritual rites and traditions. There is also a myth associated with this herb that if a man was to put it beneath his head for some time he would be induced to a deep sleep.

As the herbs have always been ahead in the medical sues, Agrimony is believed to have the powers of curing jaundice. It is used after the roots is placed in boiling water for sometime and then the water is prescribed to be taken about half a pint six times in a day.

Agrimony has also been associated with the treatment of the general fever and the outcomes have almost always been successful. Together with the healing of the casual medical problems Agrimony is also used to treat some severe diseases of the blood and the skin as well.

The patient is prescribed to take does of full glasses and the taste is sweetened with the use of honey and sugar over the leaves and roots.

The herb is also used in today's time mostly for the bowel diseases and throat problems. It is also appreciated by many for its virtues till date.

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